Process development
SERICHIM has a dedicated macrolab space for preparative scale equipped with walk-in aspirated hoods six meters high, where researchers can install and operate complete glass plants to simulate the final industrial ones.
The scale-up process is completed in the pilot plants, with reactors up to 500l.
SERICHIM operates the entire set of equipment for process development study and evaluation, including batch and continuous reactors,
crystallization and filtering apparatuses, batch and continuous distillation columns and liquid-liquid extraction columns. Practically all common continuous operations can be operated at lab, bench and pilot scales.
Process development
A non-exhaustive list of our equipment can be found under «our labs». The main activites concerning process development are:
- Sizing and simulation of unit operations
- Experimental studies of each unit operation
- Industrial process book developed with the Batch Process Developer software by Aspen
- Measurement of chemical and physical data for safety assessments
Continuous processes
SERICHIM has an extensive expertise in flow chemistry. Many different continuous processes have been developed in our laboratories.
E.g. oxidations, reductions oligomerization and CO2 capture
Circular economy
SERICHIM is interested in the development of secondary raw materials and their reintegration into the production cycle. Recently, projects have been developed for:
- recovery of precious metals from industrial waste
- recovery of fats from tannery waste
- synthesis and production of plasticizers from food industry waste (cardanol)